
Fląder Festiwal 19th

Fląder Festiwal 19th

So Fląder 2022 finished yesterday. Compared to an exceptional millésime last year, this year had been a little less impressive. It still is a very good festival, and the weather was spot-on. Obviously, the concert of the festival was Illusion, the place was completely invaded […]

19 Fląder Festiwal – Gdańsk Brzeźno

19 Fląder Festiwal – Gdańsk Brzeźno

Flader Festival is back, same location as usual, in Brzezno, on the beach, and as usual it’s gonna be exceptional! So come in numbers, enjoy the good weather, a couple of drinks or even more, and some really great bands. The festival combines many musical […]

Fląder Festiwal 18th – Day Three

Fląder Festiwal 18th – Day Three

Last day of Fląder. The bad weather is definitely in Poland for good now. Public was scarcier that last evening, but for the ones who braved the cold, there was some great moment of music to live. Starting with Ƶurawie a local band that has […]

Fląder Festival 18th – Day Two

Fląder Festival 18th – Day Two

Second day of Fląder Festiwal, and it was a memorable evening with several very good performances. Starting with Red Crap, Titanic Sea Moon, a little break with Bez, and again full power to the end with Tentent, Amba & finally 19 Wiosen. If I had […]

Fląder Festival 18th – Day One

Fląder Festival 18th – Day One

The 18th edition of Fląder Festival ended last night, and after 3 days of eclectic music, We can say that we got some great bands to write about. Fląder is surely one of this kind in Poland. Located on the beach in Brzezno, it promotes […]

Flader Festival 2021

Flader Festival 2021

A three-day, unchecked summer music festival held annually in June on the beach in Gdańsk Brzeźno is currently one of the most recognizable events of this type in the country, a recognized festival promoting Polish independent music.

Fląder Festiwal 2020

Fląder Festiwal 2020

Last Saturday was the 17th edition of the Fląder Festiwal, located on the beach of Brzeźno, it only invites bands once. No formation can ever play again in another edition of the festival. That was the case until this year. But 2020 is such an […]