Decapitated, BelzebonG, Mentor & Dormant Ordeal – Drizzly Grizzly

Decapitated is one of this band we are never tired to see live.

And that evening, we were spoiled with 4 bands, 4 different kind of Metal, and 4 different experiences.

I was mostly impressed by Mentor. The second band to jump on stage that evening. It was terrific! When Metal blends with Thrash and Hardcore, when it’s done with talent, you just spend an amazing time.

Then BelzebonG. I can’t deny that those lads are good, but it’s not the kind of metal we enjoy the most. But it doesn’t matter what we think in fact, the public always show in numbers when they play!

Decapitated closed the evening. As amazing as always. They are just one of the best polish Metal bands around. And you can’t be mistaken there, the place was packed with fans since the start of the evening, but for Decapitated, it looked like it was even more packed. A wave of full energy was felt during the whole concert and security had a really hard time containing the devotee fans.

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