As last year when Hunter was touring Poland for the promotion of their latest LP “Arachne“, they choose Reload, a german band that plays a powerful heavy rock as support band.
The concert was energizing and quite perfect for a start. The singer and guitarist were often communicating with the public, and when a foreign band start to speak polish, even with bad words, they sure get a loud reaction!
15 minutes after, came Hunter – yes, that was quick to set up the stage for them – and a hell of a concert started. It didn’t need a lot of time before you could see people crowd surfing incessantly.
Hunter has released so far 8 studio albums and 4 live albums over the course of 33 years. Their concerts are very popular and the attendance, at least in Klub Ucho, was very young. Their music is always navigation through Rock and Metal with a very “Peace & Love” message, against war, violence, intolerance and stupidity.
The spectacle was total, the musicians seem very happy on stage and really showed it with their attitude. And the violinist! Michał “Jelonek” Jelonek is just outstanding, with his way of playing, his talent and his facial expression.