19 Fląder Festiwal – Gdańsk Brzeźno

Flader Festival is back, same location as usual, in Brzezno, on the beach, and as usual it’s gonna be exceptional! So come in numbers, enjoy the good weather, a couple of drinks or even more, and some really great bands.

The festival combines many musical genres, meets the needs of many audiences of all ages due to the variety of styles and experience of performing artists. The fact that it takes place on the beach is its undoubted advantage. Flader is a tradition, two scenes on the beach in Gdańsk-Brzeźno, more or less thirty performers every year. And a combination of many styles ranging from various types of rock, through blues, folk, jazz, electronic and improvised music. The festival can boast that many renowned artists took their first steps on the stage of the fluke stage, and some popular bands played in the Tri-City for the first time at this Festival. In seventeen editions, the festival hosted over 500 various performers.


Illusion – Website

Weedpecker – FacebookVideo 1Video 2

Acid Sitter – FacebookVideo 1Video 2

Balzam – FacebookVideo 1Video 2

Miam – FacebookVideo

Strefa Niskich CiśnieńFacebookVideo 1Video 2

Formy Planet – FacebookVideo

Dynasonic – FacebookVideo 1Video 2

Pleń – FacebookVideo


Obywatel PiszczykFacebookVideo


Neal CassidyFacebookVideo 1Video 2

N!CFacebookVideo 1Video 2


Glątwa – FacebookVideo 1Video 2

Porost Formy Nad Pleśnią Facebook

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