I arrived too late to attend to the whole concert of Silver Dust, but the little I saw made me curious and want to see more, so hopefully I will finally be able to enjoy them in the near future.
What was really nice to see, was a very full B90, from the start I presume. That means something, a top quality evening with a selection of what best Europe has to offer in that kind of Dark, Black Metal.

Then came Rotting Christ, and I have to admit that I’ve never seen them live, neither really listened to their music, and it was a shock. Because it was absolutely great. I’m totally hooked. As the public, who enjoyed every single second of it.
Efficient music, heavy drums, frantic riffs, guttural and haunting voice, good songs. It was like there was a total connection between my actual state of mind and their music, because I really felt lots of emotions during their set. And it made me very happy.
They played mostly songs from their last albums, and of course some classic also.
Then Moonspell, the Portuguese came back for another hell of a concert. A very talkative and charismatic frontman arrived with a lamp saying few words in Portuguese, and then it started. A concert that pushed songs mainly from last album “1755“, with classics like “Opium“, “Awake” & “Vampiria“.
So it was an amazing evening of Metal, one of the best in B90 since we cover concerts.