The first edition of the Helliad Fest in Gdynia was quite a success. Fortunately, the sun was there too. Unfortunately, there was no water fountain, neither water to buy (or not enough because I didn’t see any). Only beers. But that was the only drawback from a very well organized event.
The location was superb, in the middle of a parc, surrounded by trees, idyllic place for a metal fest. The lineup was really interested. I was excited to see Obscure Sphinx and Decapitated again. And of course, I was curious of some of the other bands.
There was also Desolator, Hadal, Thy Disease, Blaze of Perdition, Blindead, Satyricon and Batushka.

That’s the fourth time that I see Obscure Sphinx, and as usual it’s with a great pleasure, both visually and musically. The singer has such a grace and presence on stage, while singing with such an anger… This band has to be seen, I personally can’t listen to them at home, I can’t stop imagining her presence and choreography, and it’s missing somehow. The concert is part of the whole experience.
Then Decapitated, they played at 200%, as usual. No choreography there, just a very lively singer on stage with great musicians.
For the last one, the polish band Batushka, well… It was definitely something to see. The stage looked like an Orthodox church, with gold and candles and etc… The whole stuff.
So that’s it. A good first edition of Helliad, and I hope that it will grow and grow and become a metal festival essential to this part of Europe. Not as big as Hellfest in France because I really liked the size of it. It was like a garden party between people with the same interest. Atmosphere was great – as usual with metalheads – and the location… Don’t change the location.
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