Last weekend, the fifth edition of the summer festival endorsed by L.U.C. unfolded in a magnificent display of musical diversity and natural splendour. The festival spread across two distinctive locations with contrasting atmosphere, each a world apart. The festival celebrated the fusion of popular and intimate musical arts, captivating us with a unique marriage of sounds and experiences.
Friday: Brasswood Pollination
The festival started in the vast Adventure Park in Gdynia, a terrain typically alive with the echoes of athletic ambition. This picturesque setting hosted 2 stages, a DJ and Electronic-Folk stage. The DJ stage erupted like a volcano of dynamic beats, while a stone’s throw away, the Electronic-Folk stage held court atop one of the hill.
The lineup for the evening included Phao Sanato, Echo Rodu, Surtarang, and Chrust, each bringing their unique universe to the festival, ready to give the audience a wonderful experience. Meanwhile, the DJ stage became the vortex of the night, with Jazxing, Hatti-Vatti, Radikal Guru and Rysy piloting the crowd through the pulsating beats of their set until the end of the night.
Phao Sonato performance was very profound and intimate, he shared with us stories about his personal life and his beliefs, sending us a message of bringing people together with love. He was sincere and created a very moving mood.
And as the night enveloped us, and the voracious insects attacked us, Echo Rodu instilled an atmosphere of closeness to nature and ancient time, when mankind was in harmony with all the living things. Using traditional instruments, modern ones, tribal rhythms and ethereal voices, they immersed us in a universe of ancient rituals and trance dances.
Surtarang gave us music inspired by the Orient, predominantly of Indian origin, and led us down the rabbit hole. When electronic music meets traditional oriental instruments, and an entrancing voice recites mantras, the experience becomes deeply immersive. The hypnotic blend of electronic beats and the melodic strain of the sitar creates something unique and special. The band guided the crowd into a state of meditation and trance, where they could explore inner peace and heightened awareness. Some people danced to the tempo of the electro beats and the mesmerizing voice, while others found themselves in a mental trance, completely absorbed in the experience. This mix of old and new, West and East, overcame cultural and musical boundaries.

Chrust performances always stand out for us because they root themselves deeply in the rich history of Polish folklore. Their lyrics echo that period of time, and the use of the “white voice” singing technique, once common in the countryside during our grandmothers’ time, is a poignant reminder of this heritage. This vocal style, raw and powerful, evokes the spirit of the land and its people, creating a bridge between the past and the present. Their performances are exceptional because they give us a genuine heartfelt experience.
The first day ended for us with the last notes of Chrust’s concert, and while we were leaving the premises, we could see partygoers dancing on the beats of Rysy on the DJ stage.
Saturday: Brasswood Blossoming
The second day of Brasswood, in Opera Leśna, was going to be an evening we would remember, from Laboratorium Pieśni to the performance of L.U.C., the Rebel Babel Film Orchestra and the talented Guest Stars invited for the occasion, the evening was a total feast for everybody present that night.
From the entrance, you could feel the good spirit of this festival.
The evening started for us with Laboratorium Pieśni, a band that we were eager to finally see, and we were not disappointed at all. Their music has a profound respect for traditional song, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures across the globe. Their repertoire spans from the melancholic melodies of Slavic folk to the rhythmic complexities of Balkan music.
With their polyphonic harmonies and powerful vocals, Laboratorium Pieśni has captivated the public in Opera Leśna on that evening and transported us through the folklore of various people to nature and elements of Earth.

And then, Leszek Możdżer arrived on stage. Alone. With his piano, he gave us a magistral performance, infusing his unique interpretation into the compositions of Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, Fryderyk Chopin, Krzysztof Komeda, and Astor Piazzolla. He was then joined on stage by Laboratorium Pieśni, the polyphonic voices of the ensemble added a new dimension to the performance, blending with the piano’s resonant chords in a harmonious symphony. The public thanked the artists with a standing ovation.
Nobody was prepared for the evening grand finale; it took all of us by surprise. It was just exceptional, full of energy, emotions and joy. L.U.C., the Rebel Babel Film Orchestra, Kwiat Jabłoni, Julia Pietrucha, Laboratorium Pieśni and the Kaszubski Zespoł Pieśni i Tańca “Sierakowice” offered us an amazing spectacle. For almost 2 hours, we witnessed artists happy to be on stage, we saw a L.U.C. entertaining us with all the energy he could give. And when the traditional Kashubian dancers arrived on stage with Julia Pietrucha, it was difficult for a part of the public to not joined them and dance as well.
L.U.C. also shared fascinating anecdotes about the film’s production and the creation of his soundtrack, a process that took him four years to complete.
We have never seen people so happy to have witnessed such a great performance. We joined them in their joy, and, having been emotionally moved, we told ourselves that we would have to come back next year